Dear Sarah Palin,
You are not our candidate.
You are not our candidate because you required women in Wasilla to pay for their own medical examinations after being raped.
You are not our candidate because you do not support a woman's right to choose, even in the case of rape or incest.
You are not our candidate because you've cut funding for teen moms, and for comprehensive sex education.
You are not our candidate because as vice president -- a heartbeat away from the presidency -- you would jeopardize health care for women everywhere.
We are teachers, doctors, athletes, programmers, artists, lawyers, secretaries, CEOs, students, designers, nurses, factory workers, mothers, and fathers. We are conservatives and liberals, Democrats and Republicans, country and city people. We are women and men. We are voters. We are the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.
We believe in a woman's right to choose and the right of every person to have access to complete reproductive health care. We are hundreds of thousands strong, and we are doing everything we can to make sure you are not elected.
You are not our candidate.
Click here to send your own. I was number 19,754 to do so.
1 comment:
Pro-choice suffragettes
Suffragettes are often quoted as being in opposition to abortion, but I don't think most people today can fully appreciate the context of their opposition.
Can you imagine not being able to vote? Thanks to the suffragettes, women now have voices and choices!
Few of us know ALL that the suffragettes had to go through to win votes for women. But before they did, abortion was too often the only option for pregnant women.
I believe that that is what suffragettes opposed - women having no choice to have their child.
Discrimination in education and employment made it virtually impossible for a woman to provide for a child that was born out of wedlock, whether as a result of rape or consensual relations.
My own great-grandmother was raped and impregnated, but fought to keep her child. Against terrible odds, she managed to do so.
I have written a unique e-mail series that tells her story, and goes behind the scenes in the lives of eight of the world's most famous women to reveal the shocking and sometimes heartbreaking truth of what life was REALLY like for women before we won the vote.
Subscribe FREE and get a series of dramatic, sequential, short-story episodes delivered by e-mail for you to read on your coffeebreaks, or anytime.
Discover how two beautiful and powerful suffragettes, two presidential mistresses, First Lady Edith Wilson, First Daughter Alice Roosevelt, author Edith Wharton and dancer Isadora Duncan set the stage for women to FINALLY win the vote in England and America.
You will be amazed by their courage and commitment!
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