Friday, July 16, 2010

Such crap

From Planned Parenthood:

This is not what we worked for. This is not what we fought for. 

You and I, and millions of Planned Parenthood supporters, fought for a year to make sure that health care reform would provide comprehensive coverage to every woman, man, and child in America. We achieved some tremendous victories, including defeating the Stupak amendment that would have banned private insurance coverage of abortion for millions of women. 
Now, a Stupak-like rule is back — and it came from the Obama administration.Tell the Obama administration to reverse this decision and allow women to secure the coverage they need.
The final health care reform bill included extensive restrictions on using federal funds to pay for abortion coverage, but the decision announced by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services yesterday goes beyond even these restrictions. 

The Obama administration has decided that no woman in the new high-risk insurance pools will be allowed to obtain abortion coverage beyond limited cases (rape, incest, endangering the life of the woman). Not even if she pays for that coverage with her own money. 

We need to make sure the Obama administration knows this is unacceptable. Click here to do your part and tell the Obama administration to reverse this decision.

The high-risk insurance pools are for some of the most medically vulnerable women in the country — those with pre-existing conditions such as breast and ovarian cancer, AIDS, diabetes, and other conditions that may make pregnancy extraordinarily dangerous. These women will be locked out from abortion coverage, even if they pay for it out of their own pockets. 

Tell the Obama administration to reverse this decision immediately.
The president committed his administration to preventing any federal funds from being spent on abortion care. But the fact is, this announcement from HHS goes well beyond that. Nothing in the new health care reform law requires a ban on abortion coverage in the high-risk pools. No law passed by Congress forced this decision. The Obama administration has chosen to place a new burden on ill and medically vulnerable women seeking abortion coverage. 
After all the amazing work and the unyielding dedication from Planned Parenthood supporters like you that helped get us this far, I can't just let that happen. This is not what we fought for — which means it's time to fight back against the Obama administration's abortion coverage ban now. Click here to take action.
Thank you so very much for standing with us and the women, men, and teens who rely on Planned Parenthood.


Sabin said...

Ugh, Obama is such a moderate and the right doesn't seem to get that. The clear indicator is that I get these emails for PP and the ACLU and then get ones from AFA and the like about how our federal dollars are now going to pay for abortions, Obama's a baby killer BS.
He can't make everybody happy so instead he pisses everybody off!

GiGi said...

Exactly. Worst socialist I've ever seen! Gah.