Friday, September 25, 2009

School Fundraisers

From Bleeding Heartland:

When it came time for back to school shopping, my wife and I diligently went through the list of classroom supplies requested by our daughter's teacher, and purchased a couple of large shopping bags worth of stuff.
Then, last week, my eight year old came home with a fundraising request from her school. Basically, the school was asking us to fill out cards with our friend's and relative's names and addresses on them, to be solicited for magazine subscriptions.  A small portion of the proceeds would then be donated to our local school. There was a place on the card for a personalized message, and the sample message was, "Help my school!"
My wife suggested that perhaps the best way to help our daughter's school get adequate funding would be to address the cards to members of the Administration and Congress serving on various education committees with the message, "Fund Our Schools!".
The following is a list of the people we addressed cards to, along with address information, should you find yourself in a similar situation and are inclined to follow our example.
Current Occupant
1600 Pensylvania Avenue | Washington, DC 20500
Secretary Arne Duncan
U.S. Department of Education  400 Maryland Ave, SW | Washington, DC 20202
Members of the House Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary Education
U.S. Congressional Representative Dale Kildee (D Chair)
2107 Rayburn House Office Bldg | Washington, DC 20515-2205
U.S. Congressional Represesntative Mike Castle (R Ranking Member)
1233 Longworth House Office Bldg | Washington, DC 20515-0801
U.S. Congressional Representative Dave Loebsack (D Committee Member)
1513 Longworth House Office Bldg | Washington, DC 20515
Senate Subcommittee on Children and Families
Senator Chris Dodd (D Chair)
448 Russell Bldg | Washington, DC 20510
Senator Lamar Alexander (R Ranking Member)
455 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg | Washington, DC 20510
Is that not fantastic?


Sabin said...

Love love love it.

Lisa Snider said...

Right on! BTW, these requests aren't just happening in the public schools. My sister, who sends her kids to Catholic school, despite the thousands she and her husband spend each year, is routinely expected to furnish even the most basic supplies, like toilet paper and paper towels.