Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Quickie: Action on Choice

Drunkenatheist compiled a list of things to do to support a woman's right to choose. Click here for the full list. Many of the ideas have links to organizations, action items, and research information. Good stuff. Some highlights:

8. Volunteer! Local clinics often have a variety of regular volunteering opportunities. They range from stuffing envelopes to administrative duties. Bonus: Volunteering for a clinic is a great way to get your foot in the door with non-profit employers!
9. Thank your local abortion providers! National Abortion Provider Appreciation Day is March 10th. Send out postcards to thank clinics, doctors and staff members for staying open despite the dangers they face every day.
21. Are you crafty? Artsy? Have a lot of junk lying around? eBay your stuff and donate a portion of the proceeds to a pro-choice group through eBay’s partnership with Missionfish.
22. Contact your local or preferred clinic/non-profit if they aren’t listed through Missionfish. They might not be aware that you can easily donate money via eBay & Missionfish’s partnership.
28. Get involved in pro-choice politicians’ campaigns. This can be as seemingly small as donating $10 to a campaign or as time-consuming as volunteering to canvas for him or her.
29. Find out how your money is being spent. Don’t support anti-choice companies unless it is unavoidable.

h/t WeNews

1 comment:

drunkenatheist said...

Coolio, thanks for the link!! :)