Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tell Bush to keep his word

From Planned Parenthood:

You just can't trust them.

This summer, the Bush administration tried to keep secret a proposed federal regulation that would allow health care providers to redefine abortion to include birth control. With your help, we forced Secretary of Health and Human Services Mike Leavitt to make the plans public.

Then the administration submitted the proposed rule for public comments. More than 200,000 people — including more than 90,000 Planned Parenthood supporters like you, and more than 150 members of Congress — immediately called on the Bush administration to withdraw this damaging proposal that could keep millions of people from receiving basic health information and necessary medical care.

The Bush administration promised not to release any new regulations after November 1.

Well, it's now November 14, and guess what? President Bush is poised to implement this disastrous new policy as soon as next week. Tell the Bush administration: Keep your word. Stop the attack on women's health.

Click here for background on this issue. Click here to sign the petition telling Bush to keep his word and stop the attacks on women's health. It's the least he can do, but I have strong doubts he'll leave the White House with a shred of dignity or decency. So, the very least you should do is sign the petition.

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