It was exactly the kind of gathering one expects of women -- respectful, helpful, creative, collaborative -- a peaceful time for song, word, and action. No arrests were made; no laws broken; no politicking for anyone's candidate -- just various ways of saying, "We think for ourselves and speak for ourselves." I saw friends from all areas of my life -- teachers... dancers, clergy, musicians. There were children, mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers and never-been-mothers. We crossed generations, occupations, political affiliations, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicities (although not as many as one would hope). It was good to talk with people I knew and those I didn't....My favorite moment was when the male photographer asked the women on his left to move toward the center. You can imagine how the laughter spread through the crowd. As I drove home, I thought of at least four women I knew who would have been there if they could. If each woman present represented another four, fourteen hundred people were there in spirit. Now I know that I stood for more than four women because I'm forwarding this to seven women who couldn't attend. Recalculating, we 350 represented nearly 2500 women. I could do the exponential work... Suffice it to say, there are a lot of us who think for ourselves and speak in our voices....Nicely said, don't you agree?
And, here are some photos from the event:

Obama/Biden 2008
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