Saturday, August 23, 2008

Time to get to know Joe

Obama picks Biden as his VP running mate. Now what? Learn about Biden and his record. If you are too lazy to follow the links, here are some highlights/lowlights:
  • Supports Roe v. Wade but has a mixed record on most other choice issues
  • Supports the death penalty
  • Supports civil unions but opposes gay marriage and a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage
  • Responsible for VAWA (the Violence Against Women Act)
  • Employers should be punished for hiring undocumented works; supports guest worker program
  • Voted for the war but changed his mind and has been very vocal about his opposition to it, wiretapping, Guantanamo, and other debacles of BushCo.
  • Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Former Chair of Senate Judiciary Committee
  • Prone to gaffes and can be a blowhard
  • Excellent debater and will not back down from a fight
  • Stands up for working class folks and is the least wealthy member of Congress
  • On a personal note,

    On December 18, 1972 while shopping for a Christmas tree with the children, (his wife) Neilia's car was hit by a truck. Neilia and (Daughter) Naomi died instantly. The boys were seriously injured. Devastated, Biden was persuaded to be sworn into the Senate, which he did at the bedsides of his two young sons.

    A single parent until he remarried 5 years later, Biden commuted each day (via Amtrak) between Delaware and D.C., a practice he's continued for 36 years.

Obama/Biden 2008

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